I’m a wrestling fan.
Anyone who’s read this blog knows that. I don’t try to hide it. I celebrate it.
As a fan I frequent a lot of wrestling related content. My favorite being wrestlezone. It’s a site with wrestling news.
They also have editorials, which for the most part are written by (I think) educated wrestling fans/writers. They seem to know what they’re talking about. They’re insightful and objective. If there’s something they don’t like, they’ll say so in a manner that isn’t totally dragging down WWE’s entire product..
All except one.
Mark Madden.
Any of you who are wrestling fans, I think, are probably nodding your head right now because you know exactly what I’m talking about.
For those of you who aren’t or are just barely coming into wrestling as a fan let me give you a bit of background.
In the dying days of WCW Mark Madden was a color commentator. Much like the three man announce team WWE employs now, he was the heel announcer. And much like the WWE announce team, he was the JBL of the bunch.
He was loud and aggravating in my opinion.
I don’t remember getting a lot of useful information from him. I mean I guess he did his job. He rooted for the heels and put them over. You hated him and them even more for him liking them. I assume, as a heel commentator, that’s what you’re supposed to do. The only problem with Madden was he made me want to turn the channel.
Now I’m not a professional in the wrestling world, but I’d assume that’s not the purpose. You want to put over the heels and make them less likable. You don’t want to drive away your fanbase.
JBL is getting there, but that’s another issue.
I loathed the guy on screen. I wished someone would stuff his microphone down his gullet.
Maybe someone did and I missed it cause I’d turned the channel to WWE.
Anyway. Where I’m going with this is, Mark Madden writes an editorial on Wrestlezone.
Now on a site where I love 99.9% of the content, Mark Madden’s column is the one dark spot.
The chink in the armor that is Wrestlezone in my opinion.
I just can’t stand it. The column is not only his hate letter for all things WWE, but is chock full of double standards.
He constantly bags on everything in WWE. In the same breath he’ll talk about how great a segment or show was, then turn around and pick it apart. It’s really quite frustrating. It seems he revels in discontent. His whole purpose of talking about anything wrestling is to drag down WWE.
I really haven’t read an article of his doing anything else.
I guess the reason behind this little tirade stems from his latest editorial on Wrestlemania and specifically Ronda Rousey being involved.
The thing that angered me was not anything to do with those subjects it was more on something else.
He comments on how great the stuff with Connor “The Crusher” was. Connor was a little boy that died of cancer. Before doing so, during his Make-a-Wish, he left an indelible mark on WWE and it’s universe. He talked about how heartwarming it was and how WWE has created a charity in Connor's name.
He then proceeds to turn around and insinuate that WWE uses it to benefit and build up their company.
That’s not the thing that makes me angry though. The thing that gets me is further down the column he proceeds to sell himself to WWE.
The same company he’s tearing down he tries to sell himself to.
Double standard?
It is in my mind.
If you’re going to take the time to write multiple columns (if not all his columns) on how bad the WWE product is, or how bad it’s talent is, why try to put in a quick plug to replace someone on their announce team?
It really goes over my head.
If you hate a company so bad, which it seems he does, that you constantly tear it down in your editorials. To the point that there really isn’t anything else you write about, why try to then say “Hey! If your announcer is out for injury, why not hire me?” I don’t see the logic.
I guess it’s true what most say. WWE is the apex of pro wrestling. Everyone strives to be there their whole careers. I guess that even means to the point where you’ll sell your ideals if it means working there.
Which makes me wonder. When I see his column on Wrestlezone, why do I read his stuff?
I really need to re-evaluate that. Cause it makes me just as double standard as he is.
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