Big Dog!

I was out for my run on Tuesday.  The run itself was pretty uneventful.  I ran my usual circuit and when I hit home I took my usual lap around the block to cool down.  Not much happened.

It wasn't until I came to about the the area that's directly behind the house that I saw something that scared the willies out of me.

I'm walking, listening to my running playlist, when up ahead I saw a short fat chocolate lab come from the front yard of the neighbors across the alley.  I knew they had dogs, but never new what kind.  Still nothing too eventful.  I just kept going.

It wasn't until he was followed by the neighbors OTHER dog that gave me pause.  A dog that looked like this followed the lab from the front yard.

Not me, but the dog was that size.

I kid you not!  The dog was that big.

Side Note: I remembered a dog of this type when watching The 13th Warrior.  Good movie!  Rated R though due to being fairly violent.  The dog is an Irish Wolfhound.  End of side note.

Now I continued forward because I saw the lady watering her lawn and thought, she has a handle on them.

The dogs were facing away from me and walking in the opposite direction.  It wasn't until they turned around and saw me that I started to sweat it.

They stood and stared at me for a good twenty seconds.  Heads down, looking like they were sizing me up. I wasn't so much worried about the lab.  I still continued forward, not sure why at this point.

Then both dogs took off toward me.  I stopped and started backing up.  The came to where I was and I may have pee'd myself a little. (Not really, but it creates dramatic effect)  Luckily all they did was start licking my hands.  I petted them.  They were both really sweet.  Especially the big one.  I continued on my way, while their owners yelled for them to get back in the yard.

They walked me to the end of their yard and let me continue on my way.

I guess it goes to show you, it's usually the big scary ones that are the most sweet and cuddly.  That doesn't strictly pertain to dogs either.


  1. At least you've never lost a stare-down to a moose. That stuff's embarrassing.

  2. Haha! I'm glad they were friendly. And it's true - the big ones are usually the lovers. It's the little ones you gotta look out for. :)


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