Playing Pranks at Church

Playing pranks on my wife is probably one of my favorite past times.  Mean I know, but somehow it's unavoidable.  Given that she's such a good sport about it makes it all the more enticing.  Last Sunday, at church no less, one fell into my laugh that I couldn't avoid.
A little back story is in order.  About a week ago a Christmas card showed up in the mail.  I opened it to find it was from our bishopric.  I read the card and then showed it to Brooke.  She looked the card over and then proceeded to point out the name of our second counselor and asked "Who's Jeff Lawrence?"  I chuckled a bit and said "He's the second counselor in the bishopric."  A light dawned across her face and she  said "Oh!  I never knew his name."  I laughed a little harder, but let it go at that.
Fast forward to Sunday all of the Elder's were gathering for Elder's quorum and who happens to sit next to me that Brother Lawrence himself!  He shook my hand and asked me how I was doing.  I told him good and then proceeded to tell him the previous story about the Christmas card.  He laughed and said he had trouble remembering names too.  I suggested that maybe he introduce himself and then she wouldn't forget.  He laughed and said "Maybe I should."  The meeting went on and I forgot about our conversation.
Later we were sitting down for sacrament meeting and I was paying attention to the people around me when Brooke's voice caught my attention.  I turned to see brother Lawrence shaking her hand.  He then proceeded to say "Hello my name is Jeff Lawrence.  I thought I'd introduce myself."  I burst out laughing as as Brooke shot me "The Look" and brother Lawrence began smiling.  I think I laughed until the meeting officially started, all the while Brooke is shooting me dirty looks.
The whole rest of the day I'd think of the incident and start laughing.  Brooke would hit me and tell me it wasn't funny, but it really was.


  1. It's still not funny....since ALL the kids tease me about it!


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