On Comic Book Resources though he was huge. I was still a little confused. What was so popular about this guy? I still wasn't willing to give him a shot. Then the voice of the voiceless, CM Punk, mentioned him on Raw. At first I was like "Zack Ryder? Really?", but it prompted me to wonder. In the following weeks he began to show up on Raw. I still wondered what was the big deal. How did this guy become an internet sensation? I mean, sure his finisher is cool. A leg lariat, those are pretty awesome, but what was it. So I decided to do some research.
The first place I began is the point that made him popular in the first place. Zack has his own youtube channel where, in his lack of being on t.v., he'd post videos. I began at the beginning. Although it wasn't the best produced thing I'd ever seen it had one thing that gets me every time. It was funny. Zack's character is so over the top that all those catchphrases I thought were annoying began to make sense. His self deprecating humor makes me laugh every time. He even gets his dad in on it. Zack trying to climb over the fence and someone asking him "Zack, what are you doing?" and his reply of "I'm trying to get over!" had me rolling. Not to mention his PSA's for a Woo Woo Woo America. Brilliant.
That only compounds with his in ring ability. He's a good wrestler. As mentioned before his finisher, the Rough Rider is awesome. I've always enjoyed a leg lariat, and Zack pulls it off well.
A good wrestler goes a long way, but anyone who watches wrestling will tell you that an entertaining wrestler is what you want to see. Sure, in Zack Ryder's current state I don't see him holding the World or WWE title. He's just a humorous character that you want to make you laugh. I'm confidant though that Zack can morph and evolve so that eventually he could be World Title material. He's obviously got that thing that makes him entertaining.
For right now though I'm happy to just laugh at his antics and watch him wrestle. And really, in the end, isn't that what everyone wants to see in Sports Entertainment? To be entertained.
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